Post-congress Tours
Tour 1
Madrid (3 days)
Field trip from Malaga to Madrid passing by Granada, Jaén, Ciudad Real and Madrid provinces, where we can find different aquifers used for water supply and agricultural activities, also for industry, and aquifers well connected with ecosystems (as Lagunas de Ruidera and Tablas de Daimiel wetlands).
It will serve to showcase some management practices as well as existing problems under study. We will need to know whether such a long trip would be well received by the participants to organize it definitively.
The excursion finish in Madrid where delegates can leave to their countries.
Estimated price: 500€ per person
Tour 2
Granada (2 days)
1st day: Sierra de la Alfaguara- water supply Granada city during the Moorish period, Alhambra of Granada, Flamenco show, hotel in Granada city.
2nd day: Granada Basin, Padul wetlands, Rules dam in the Guadalfeo River, Motril-Salobreña coastal detrital aquifer, visit to Salobreña castle
Estimated price: 300€ per person (dinner of the 1st day is not included)
Guides: María Luisa Calvache, José Benavente y Sergio Martos
Tour 3
Sevilla (2 days)
1st day: Lucena area (evaporitic karst system), Guadalquivir basin (river, dams, wetlands “lagunas de campiña”), visit to monuments in Sevilla, hotel in Sevilla city.
2nd day: mining activities and groundwater, Doñana National Park (wetlands), Malaga city.
Estimated price: 250€ per person
Guides: Miguel Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Claus Kohfahl, Francisco Moral-Martos & Joaquín M. Delgado
Tour 4
Córdoba (2 days)
1st day: water management in Guadalquivir River Basin, agriculture, economy and water governance, visit to the Mosque of Córdoba, hotel in Córdoba city.
2nd day: carbonate aquifers in Subbética Geopark, olive tree and irrigation, wetlands, Malaga city.
Estimated price: 250€ per person
Guides: Julio Berbel